Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who out there thinks it is wrong to deer hunt?

Is it wrong to kill deer.Who out there thinks it is wrong to deer hunt?
To those who think it is wrong to hunt/kill Deer.

Deer are not humans, and they don't have rights to be treated like humans. Hunting and killing deer is a way of life... both for the hunter and the deer. The deer are perfectly aware that they are being stalked and hunted, all the time.

Only thing is, we as humans were given bigger,better, smarter brains and we use that to our advantages. Animals were put on Earth at the dispose of mankind. Humans were given the power to rule over all of animal kind!

It doesn't matter why you kill it.. for trophy or for meat. You have a God given power to do with the animals as you please. With that said 99.9% of all hunters attempt to be as humane as possible - causing as little pain to the deer as possible. So you hav no reason to cry about it.

so.. if you don't like to kill deer.. DON'T. But leave those who do like to hunt and kill deer to their own desicions and actions.

btw.. don't swat at misquitos or step on spiders or use toxins and poisons to kill ants and wasps and bees, or use mousetraps for mice... ';It's sad, they dont want to die either'; - blah blah blah

Who out there thinks it is wrong to deer hunt?
Before you reach the conclusion that it is wrong to deer hunt, consider the alternatives.

In the wild, deer typically die from maybe three things. If too many deer are in an area, once winter comes there will be a lack of food and some deer will die from starvation. This process occurs over a time span of weeks as they slowly wither away. Another cause of death is disease. Keep in mind that there is no treatment for deer with diseases; no painkillers or medicine. Depending on the disease, this process could take days or weeks. Finally, deer die from predation by wolves, coyotes, and other predators. They are preyed upon by being chased down and killed eventually by gnashing teeth.

Or, they could be shot by a hunter. Bang.

I would argue that deer hunting is much more ethical than letting deer starve; die from disease; or being gnawed on while still alive. Compared to nature, hunters are indeed humane and kind.

No- it is not wrong. People a a misunderstanding about hunting, it is not what you think.

I spend a lot of time hunting game. 98% of the time there is no killing involved just finding and watching nature.

When the time comes for me to take game I do so in a way to make it as quick as I can. Also every hunter I have ever met has had similar feelings as I do. We are not blood thirsty killers.

What makes me and people like me hunt? I do not know, I have wanted

to hunt since I was a boy.

I was not raised in a hunting family, I learned as a young adult.

Understand it may seem unfair to the animals to kill them, what we do as hunters is not nearly as cruel as what nature will do to the deer if the population is not controlled.

We must rely on our state game biologists to determine how to control

the game populations. Hunters provide the means.

Probably not cause, we've been hunting animals since before we had sanitation. You can ask if we need to hunt deer, which the answer is no, but since we've essentially eradicated their natural predators, we need to kill them since they are a horrible danger to motorists.
Not me. Do you think it's wrong to eat chicken, beef or pork? They spend their lives in captivity waiting to be slaughtered. Do you think it's wrong to wear leather shoes, coats or belts? Deer live free. Their meat contains no steroids or hormones like poultry, pork or beef. If they aren't hunted they will overpopulate and starve or die of disease. Do you think it is wrong to kill bugs? They live too. How about plants? They live too. Life requires consumption of life to live. Deer hunters, or any hunters/fishermen for that matter appreciate the food that they go out and get for themselves. Do you feel any respect for the cow that was killed so you could eat a cheeseburger?
Yes it is morally reprehensible to hunt

It is so much more honorable to eat the meat provided to you by the animals lovers at the factory farms who make sure the animals live a care free life until they die of old age and only then harvest the meat

These animals are massaged every morning and noon and then sang to sleep by a choir of neutered boys singing lullabies and peaceful hymns

When it eventually becomes their time to die they are cared for by a team of virgin nurses who have dedicated their lives to the art of tantric massage as a young Asian nymph plays a harp in the background

Their deaths are so peaceful and serene that often times young calves will actually caused their own deaths just to get to enjoy the experience, this is how we get veal
'; Society will forever judge Hunters by their Compassion for the Animals that they Hunt for and Harvest.';...'; Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable; Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable.';... All life is precious to us True Hunters and Sportsman, even a Rabbits to us Hunters who Hunt them for Food and Sport for ourselves, family, friends, and fellow Hunters.* Hunters and Hunting have existed for Centuries, and will continue with the next generation.* Born to Hunt.*
Hunting is the proper method of controlling natures bounty. If hunting were to become illegal the government would begin a method of control that even the most hardened of men would find disgusting.

The other option would be to allow nature to take its course and see many species become extinct.

Vegan? would become more costly to eat what little food could be provided due to the over grazing by some species and the competition from man.
native americans hunted Buffalo deer elk for food

and clothing. it's not wrong. if your just going out and just kill

a 10 point buck and show it off then yes, i'm a hunter i'll be hunting

for the meat my girlfriend wants to make venison chili in a cast iron

dutch oven yum
I think it's wrong to hunt anything for sport, my father brought me up hunting but he always insisted that you only shot something if you intended to eat it or to end suffering. If you intend to eat the deer and have a clear kill shot personally I think it's ok
people whos say its wrong are just stupid theres nothing wrong about it who doesnt like to get up early saturday mornin late november walk down ther place to tha river where its 10 degrees and shoot a beautiful 12 point buck i kno i do the take it home and skin eat eat it and make a nice wrug with the skin
Do you think it would be better to let deer starve? That's what would happen if deer hunting were eliminated. You have to realize that wild deer populations must be managed or they'd expand to the point where many of them would suffer.
why do you tree huggers keep coming here and asking over and over again why is hunting is 100 percent legal to hunt and hunters care more and give more to the well being of wild animals than any other group........don't go away mad just go away
I think it is wrong to kill anything for sport, or trophies. If you are going to eat it, then it's no different than the billions of cows, chickens, and pigs that die everyday in meat production.
Nothing wrong with hunting deer, or any other game animal for that matter. If you know of a logical, rather than emotional argument that it IS wrong, please feel free to share...
If you are going to eat it, then no, i dont think its wrong at all. And then only if you stalk it and then shoot it. I think its horrible to use dogs to bring it down.
no, not at all , as long as you eat the meat. Killing the deer or any other animal just because is not right.
It is wrong if you don't eat the animal you kill.

Otherwise, it's perfectly OK.
Just shoot accurately. It's all good otherwise.
Only tree hugging trash think it's wrong to hunt.
Don't feed the troll. Report it!
You think that meat on your Big Mac committed suicide?
I think it's wrong to kill, period. Killing for food may be fair, as that's what our ancestors did back when there was no other option.

But now that we're all civilized (or so we think) so that we have plenty other options, killing just for game, is pure *evil* in my mind.

Of course hunters make all sorts of excuses, and even bring a 10 times warped bible into it, but all in all it just amounts to their savage thirst for blood and destruction.

And we think Arabs are crazy. Look around.
Horrible Horrible Horrible. Animals have feelings too. No animal should be hunted. My boyfriend is a hunter (he was one since he was a kid) he has only killed bears and turkeys so far thank god!

If your going to kill an animal make sure its a good shot or dont hunt at all.
Yep - in this day and age, it is not necessary. In days gone by, people killed them to live but not anymore. Now it is just a vulgar ';human is superior'; thing to do. I wonder what the people who do it have for brains.
Yes very i think.

Im a veggie anyway so i think its bad to kill any animal but at least if people kill other animals its for food not for purely sport or whatever.

Deer are lovely!
hunting is because it may be a sport but still its not like killing a cow they are make for eating on cow farms and deer are just walking around waiting to be shoot i would like to be a cow more
i think so.

animals have feelings too, just like humans.

if its wrong to kill a human, it should be wrong to kill an animal.
I don't think it's wrong, but I do think it's mean

Havent you seen Bambi?

Lol, that movie was so sad
I think it is wrong to kill deers. but not beef :D

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