Take the hunter safety class. You will learn most of this from them.
BE SAFE!!! There are 4 shooting rules, know them and live them!
Don't go alone. For your first time find someone to help and teach you. Even after that most of the fun is going to the deer camp and being with friends of family.
Shoot it in the right spot. Gut shot or wounded animals are no fun to track or clean. And it's irresponsible to wound and animal and not harvest it cause you can't find it.
Shoot it near a truck. They are a lot heavier than you think if you can shoot it by the road it helps.
After it has been shot, field dress/gut and skin it. The meat will taste better if you can get it cooled faster. Gutting and skinning helps it cool. Get a Field dressing kit. They are 2 bucks at most sporting outlets. It has latex gloves and full length arm gloves and a few other handy things. It's nice to have on your first time cleaning.
Keep it clean! Dirt and leaves can ruin the taste of the meat.
Put either whole deer or deer cut into quarters into canvas field bags and get to a butcher within a day.
Cook for your parents so they will enjoy your sport too.
european mounts are easy and can be done at home with a cheap kit. It's a skin off bare skull with antlers on a plaque instead of the whole shoulders neck and head with the skin on.
The skin can be tanned and sold.
Best of luck. You are becoming a true conversationalist. By hunting you are contributing more than any other group. And you now have a real interest in the future of the animals since you enjoy them on a level no one else but a hunters does.What to do with a deer carcass?
Get the information on how to gut, field dress and process the meat for eating. It's available on several web sites.Get recipies for the deer meat and get your mom to cook some up for the family.
What your parents are trying to tell you is that they don't approve of killing something for the sake of killing it, and they want you to make use of the animal you kill so it wont be wasted.By processing the meat, you will be doing what they wish you do do. Good luck.
there are people who cut deer up for a small price if you want to eat it yourself,I myself have hunted for a long time and I cut my own deer up and prepare the meat the way I like it. if you don't eat the meat there are also organizations that you can donate the meat to, tell your parents to let you hunt its a great sport to get into and a lifetime of good times with family and friends,I myself would not miss it for the world.
First off all of the meat gets eaten. Venison is yummy. You can butcher the deer yourself, but unless you have a knowledgeable buddy who can guide you through it the first time I recommend sending the deer in to a butcher. You get a whole lot of meat for a relatively low price of some ammo and a trip to the butcher. Field dressing should be done by you in the field right after you find he deer though. This is not a job for the butcher (it's a time issue).
You can get the deer taxidermist, but that gets expensive (and doesn't fit in with my decor).
If you shoot a buck you can take the rack off yourself without the aid of a taxidermist and put it on a wall mount.
The hide makes a cute throw blanket.
The bones are good for making stock out of (do it the same way you make chicken stock).
I assume you don't have your license yet. When you take the class, they teach you how to field dress it. Anyone who's shot a deer before can teach you.
I never went deer hunting, but I'm pretty sure you eat the thighs. I know most people will save the head or the antlers. The stomach, intestines and the other gross stuff can be used as bait. Some people will just dump it in the woods- don't know if that's legal or not. Some people bag it and throw it out. I'd personally keep it as hog bait.
Ever see silence of the lambs? You can skin it and go out in the woods as a deer version of Buffalo Bill.
It rubs the lotion on it's skin....
But really, have it butchered and eat it. Good and good for you.
Well you can start by eating the meat. you can skin it for it's hide. mount the antlers and use the body for bait for crows, coyotes, foxes and bears!
Give it to a needy family or food bank.*
Make a fish aquarium out of it. Makes for a great conversation piece.
yum yum
eat it
Get it stuffed.
Exactly what Ben said
skin and eat......use scalding water to remove skin.
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